Colt Ace serial number 794 - Pistol shipped July
10, 1931 as a single gun shipment. Sold to Postman Sporting
Goods Company, Shipped to Clark Smith Hardware Company,
Peoria, Illinois. Pistol is accompanied by its' original
box, test target (numbered to the gun), instructions,
special instructions and cleaning brush.

Pistol and numbered Test Target.

End label (above) and bottom of box showing serial number
and price. (below)
An original yellow sight tag containing
instructions for adjusting the the Ace sight. The rear of
the tag (right image) reads as follows:
"CAUTION - When adjusting Ace rear sight, care should be
taken not to raise sight leaf (A) above top graduation line
(B) on base. Tension of the threaded elevating screw (C) may
be lost by careless adjustments and the effectiveness of the
sight destroyed"

Close-up of right side slide markings.

Early style rounded front sight.

Left side of Colt Ace serial number 794

Original two-tone magazine. Hole in rear of magazine
(visible in the photo below) does not appear on all Ace
magazines. Later two-tone magazines have been observed
without the hole.
