Colt Model of 1911 U.S. Army .45 ACP - Serial Number 145555 (ca. 1917)

Colt Model of 1911 U.S. Army serial number 145555 - One of
1000 pistols shipped to San Antonio Arsenal, San
Antonio, Texas on April 3, 1917.

Original barrel with separate "P" and "H" .
The "P" is a proof mark and the "H" is
the provisional inspection mark of Francis L. Hosmer
from serial numbers 101 - 710000, with the exception of
serial numbers 133187 - 137400.

The mark of Army Inspector of Ordnance Major Gilbert H.
Stewart. Stewart inspected these pistols from September
30, 1914 - January 12, 1918. Serial numbers of Model 1911
pistols inspected 101500 - 230000. |