Early Colt Police Positive Serial Number 326393 with 2.5"
barrel - Factory engraved, inscribed "Merriam" with gold finish (over
silver) with flush
medallion factory ivory grips. Finish is tarnished.
Colt Factory letter indicated that this is a Colt Police
Positive Revolver ".32 on a .38 Frame". Serial number
326393 letters as a .32/c revolver, with 4" barrel, nickel
finish, mother of pearl stocks and shipped to Lou J.
Eppinger, Detroit, Michigan on October 8, 1930 as a one gun
shipment. The indication of an "&" stamped inside the
frame means that this revolver was returned to the Colt
factory at some point. The factory records ay be
completely wrong on this gun or the return to the factory
may have resulted in the completely different configuration
that this revolver is in at present.
Left side of barrel marked:
P |
ositive |
Close-up photo of the engraving on the left side of the
frame and cylinder. VP (verified proof mark) is
located inside the frame near the serial number.
Marked on right side of barrel:COLT'S PT. F.
PAT'D. AUG. 5, 1884, JULY 4, 1905, OCT. 5, 1926
Early Colt Police Positive Serial Number 326393 with 2.5"
barrel - Factory engraved, inscribed "Merriam" with gold finish (over
silver) with flush
medallion ivory grips. Finish is tarnished. From the serial number,
this Colt was manufactured in 1930.
Underside of revolver showing the base of the square butt
ivory grips with Colt medallions.
Close-up photo of the engraving on the right side of the
frame and cylinder.
Close-up of engraving on the left side of the frame and cylinder.
Engraving on rear of frame behind hammer.
Muzzle, front sight and left side barrel markings.
Recoil plate.
Rear of cylinder.
Serial number 326393 is on frame (above) and crane
(below). Note "&" mark above the serial number on the
frame, which indicates that this revolver was returned to
Colt's at some point after production.
Front of cylinder contains reassembler's
marks "1135S" (the "S" designated a silver finish.)
The numbers 1135 are also located on the underside of the
barrel, next to the frame.
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