From the John van Donselaar Collection
Dutch Colt Police Positive Serial Number 405230 with 4"
barrel - This Colt was purchased by the Dutch
authorities for the Dutch police in the Dutch Indies. The
only visible difference between this revolver and other
revolvers is the ring for the lanyard. These revolvers where
called Revolver M.31. The M stands for model and the
31 stands for the year of entering Dutch Indies service.
Colt Police Positive Serial Number 405230 with 4"
barrel - Dutch Contract
Also pictured is a complete ammunition box. "Patronen
scherpe nr. 3, Colt" was ammunition for the Colt Police
positive 38. The carton box was to be packed in the tin can,
and than the tin can was to be packed in the wooden box
The stamp on the original lanyard says" CW (means
ConstructieWinkel, for construction department), N (means
Nieuw, for newly made), 1 (which stands for January, the
month of production), 34 (which stands for 1934, the year of
production) and A K (which are controllers markings).