Lowell Pauli Collection, photos by Sam Lisker
Colt Model M .380 ACP Serial Number
1 -
shipped to J.R. Hegeman in 1908. Mr. Hegeman, a vice president
of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, of New York, was very active
between 1885 and
1925, and was interested in Colt
arms only. Hegeman was truly a pioneer in Colt collecting and
presumably had some fantastic connections within the Colt company in order
for him to own many production prototype and serial number one guns.
Close-up of left side serial number.
Right side of serial number 1.
Close-up of serial number 1.
Compare it to the close-up photo of serial number 15 below. It's
slightly different.

John W. Brunner Collection, photo by Sam
For comparison, here's a close-up of Model M .380
serial number 15. |