Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless .32 ACP & Model 1908
Pocket Hammerless .380 ACP - Police Department Marked Factory Inscribed
Med P.D.
- Medford, Massachusetts Police Department |

Medford P.D. No. 10 - One of 24 pistols shipped to
Iver Johnson Sporting Goods Co., Boston, MA on December
20, 1912. Pistol was shipped with blued finish and factory
engraved "Med. P.D. No. 10" on the grip safety.
This Medford PD example has a matching numbered slide and
was returned to the factory post-WWII for refinishing. The
gun is tank blued and polished on the sides of the slide and
frame. The top of the slide, underside of the trigger
guard, front and rear grip strap are all parkerized or matte
finish. Additionally, the gun has a post-war Woodsman roll
die on the left side of the slide. The roll marks on the
right side of the slide are '40s vintage and the grips are
war time grips with steel grip screw escutcheons.

Close-up of post-WWII Colt Woodsman roll die mark,
which is the only mark on the left side of the slide.

Grip safety is hand inscribed "Med. P.D. No. 10 for the
Medford, Massachusetts Police Department.

Underside of slide and frame are parkerized or matte

Top of slide is also parkerized or matte finished.

Close-up of 1940s vintage right side slide marking.

Mid 1940s medallion checkered walnut grips with steel grip
screw escutcheons. |